Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another year older…

Happy, happy birthday to the one who makes me the happiest girl in the whole world!  Today John turns 28… another year closer to 30!  I remind him often.  That is until it’s hits me that I’m not far behind{8 months to be exact} and then it’s not as humorous.  
I have always loved birthdays and think everyone deserves a birthday month, or at very least a birthday week!  And lucky me, John agrees! We kicked off the celebrations Tuesday night and there is much more to come over the next week!  I can’t wait to share it all soon!
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JT3, I hope you’re day is as special as can be- you deserve it! Happy birthday, babe!
I love you so much,

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy birthday to John!!