Sunday, September 4, 2011

30 beers for 30 years

What a fun and creative party my sister threw for Aaron’s 30th!  Sunday was spent cleaning house, cooking and preparing for the big bash!   DSC_0358

The theme was 30 beers for 30 years.  Each person was given their own pint glass to sample all 30 beers.  Starting with light beers and ending with dark.DSC_0345Recently Updated3DSC_0338 The birthday boy had a little help from the brothers in law to be with setting up the Keg station for those guests who did not wish to participate in the tasting.  DSC_034130 beers.DSC_0344the boys and granddaddy were there to supervise.  Football 20112Football 20113In lieu of a birthday cake, Amy made these Guinness Cupcakes.  de-licious. DSC_0352DSC_0354  Watson enjoyed the cupcakes while Emory’s full attention was on the glow sticks.  Football 20114 The kiddos were put to bed and the celebrations continued.  I failed at my intentions of snapping lots of pictures of the birthday boy and his guests.  Thanks for including us- we had a great time and were happy to celebrate the big 3-0!

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