Monday, July 29, 2013


I’d been wanting to add rice cereal into Anderson’s diet for awhile mainly because everyone advised it would help him sleep.  He was sleeping ok at night but not great. I usually couldn’t keep him up past his 9:00 feeding and he’d be back up anywhere between 3:00 and 4:00. 

A week shy of 4 months, I decided to give it a go.  He didn’t love it but he didn’t hate it.  I had the consistency really runny so once I got that right he started to enjoy it more. 

rice cereal

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Dr. M gave us his blessing to start with other foods at his 4 month appointment.  We tried bananas for dinner that night.  He was a huge fan at first but it seemed he didn’t care for them after a day or two.  We waited 5 more days and introduced sweet potatoes on Friday.  I have every intention of making baby food fresh at home but I admit his first taste of sweet potatoes were right off the shelf at target.  Truth be told, I hadn’t prepared any yet and I was ready to explore with more foods.  He loved them nonetheless.

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I didn’t think he would eat the homemade after he tasted the store bought. Boy was I was wrong.  We can’t feed him fast enough without him demanding more!


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