Today we had our 20 week appointment which revealed the gender of Baby T! As I mentioned in my last week post, we asked my mom to join us for the ultrasound and find out the gender. Well, she knows and is keeping it a secret… or better be! We, however, do not although everyone thinks we know and aren’t telling. I promise that is not the case and every time the U/S tech told us to turn our heads we did so kicking ourselves wondering why we agreed to this torture.
John is not handling it well. He wants to know and he wants to know now. Or at 8:50 this morning. I am so happy that we stuck to our plan and can’t wait to find out tomorrow night with just the two of us!
We have both thought girl from the get-go. My mom thinks girl. Most everyone else that has voiced their opinion thinks girl.
A few weeks ago, my friend Monica tried the Old Wives Tales on me and had me answer questions that the answers were either in favor of a boy or a girl. They the results were kind of interesting… 17 pointed towards GIRL and 5 towards BOY.
I won’t share all of them as some are kind of personal but here are the results…
{Disclaimer- I had no idea what the results would be depending on my answers so they were answered honestly}
1. Heartbeat over 140- until today’s visit the heartbeat has been between 145- upper 150’s- GIRL
2. Carrying low and out in front- BOY
3. Acne- I struggled with breakouts before pregnancy but I think its gotten much worse {until recently}- GIRL
4. Under eye V or Y vein- this one was so cool. I had a very distinct V in my left eye- GIRL
5. Legs still lean and in shape- While I’ve grown in the top and middle areas my legs have not changed much {or that I can tell}- GIRL
6. Moody- John said we could’ve stopped here and gotten the answers we needed. He has been a patient husband- GIRL
7. Chinese Gender Chart- GIRL
8. Beauty is gone- maybe it’s just that I don’t do much with myself anymore but I’m feeling less than pretty these days- GIRL
9. Dreams about boy or girl- The only dream I have had with a clear gender has been with all things blue- BOY
10. Still graceful?- I have not starting stumbling or losing balance, atleast not yet- GIRL
11. Sleep on right side- I prefer to fall asleep on my left but end up on my right so this one was hard to answer- we went with right since my body obviously prefers that- GIRL
12. Dad gained weight? unfortunately yes which I know is because he has adopted my bad eating habits over the past weeks- GIRL
13. Mommy thinks? GIRL
14. Morning sickness- While I never got sick, I was terribly nauseous and put on medicine so I’m going with yes. I know I would have been had the medicine not been my saving grace- GIRL
15. Cravings proteins? There was nothing worse to me than the thought of meat, eggs and cheese for a very very long time. GIRL
16. Cold feet? Nope, well now b/c its cold out. GIRL
17. Headaches? YES. horrible and everyday- BOY
18. Names determined early on? Yes, we have had both names for a few months now- GIRL
19. Pendulum Test- It could not have been anymore obviously swinging back and forth- BOY
20. Craving sweets/ fruits? I eat a lot these days and a lot of anything but I have craved sweets and fruits more than salty for the most part- GIRL
Of the last two I wont be sharing, 1 said BOY and 1 said GIRL.
A handful of people swear by the Pendulum test. A friend of mine told me to try an app on my iPhone that she swears is never wrong and has been tried on a group of 15-20 girls with babies which says GIRL.
So, there you have it. We think girl and so do the tests but we really just want healthy whether its girl or boy! Stay tuned tomorrow night… we’ll be announcing if our little one will wear pink or blue finally!